art in Dave-64s Community

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Full body reveal :O

its me enjoying a peanut butter Sandwich

no Jelly >:3

Drat I'm a little too big >w<" let's hope I can get through this in one piece

Been Playing a lot of Security Breach lately and I love it. it's kinda my first offical FNaF I know the gameplay is a little different than the others but I still think its epic

Awww my brother Lupo surprised me with his Christmas gift, a custom made shirt

Thank you so much bro! you rock!!!

First drawing of Fozzil and Amelia after my tablet broke!

I may have to get used to it again...

guys... my tablet is working now!

check the article to see a drawing i made just now


FanArt for @IamInvincible

Hope you like it!

Swapfell BLUE (My New AU)

Sans & Papyrus


funni bone man

Mega Man Advance 3 Fan-Made Robots!

@Bravice_I (Trickster)

@ElecMan_hg (Audio)

@anothercryingsoul (Balloon)